Social Dance Application

Social dancing epitomizes the intersection between self-expression and interpersonal connection. Contrary to their counterpart, dance competitions, socials are dance events aimed at connecting people through their love for dance, rather than placing emphasis on competition and victory. Socials allow people to lean into the basic human need of shared connection while meeting new people at the same time. MOVE seeks to create an application that helps bridge the gap between problem and solution and allow both social goers and social organizers to host and enjoy a frictionless social.

In order to learn more about the problem, dancers, DJs, and organizers were polled at social dance events. The team was able to discern that this is a big problem in the dance world that is feasible to help solve. While social goers and event organizers may use platforms like Eventbrite and Facebook groups to browse and market events, neither of these offer solutions to dancers who want to find spontaneous ways to have fun and meet new people. For attendees specifically, issues exist such as being unable to verify the reputability of the dance social or organizer, experiencing safety concerns, and not knowing how to navigate finding these socials when visiting a new city, among others. On the side of organizers, many noted that they struggle to have a centralized location where they can, not only continue to promote the events they champion, but also increase their notoriety as valued members of the social dance community. 

To date, ongoing team efforts include wireframe and frontend/backend code development. MOVE continues to foresee this application to be simple in its functionality and easy to manage within a 50,000-person user base. The team plans on measuring app effectiveness and success through key performance indicators such as revenue growth, profit margin analysis, monthly customer retention trends, attendee reviews, etc. The main goal is to track attendee retention on the app and across events held by the same organizers in order to iterate potential advances in the app and set up a tiered subscription system. Next steps in product lifecycle development include uniting the wireframes with the beta version of the code in order to get our trial customer onto the app. MOVE  also plans on leaning into the analytics portion of our subscription capabilities to provide organizers with the resources needed to better their interactions with dancers.

Project Managers: Nicole Diaz and Sameer Sridhar

Developers: Liam Aenlle and Vibhav Kumar

UX/UI Designer: Tessa Haynes


Graphic Design Portfolio